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Japanese company creates plastic pepper ball haunted house

We can all agree that screaming is an important part of a great haunted house experience.

However, when the exhalation was stopped due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a Japanese company, Plastic Pepper Ball and Plastic Hollow Pepper Ball, created an attractive thing, which followed the social alienation criterion, but was still absolutely frightening-haunted houses haunted by cars.

Kowagarasetai, a Japanese haunted house and terrorist production company, claims that this concept is the first time.

Kenta Iwana, the founder of Kowagarasetai, told CNN Travel: Plastic pepper balls and plastic hollow pepper balls "With this virus, I know we can't have a traditional haunted house, and all these things scream in a narrow confined space."

"When I saw the through train theater make a comeback, it was my' aha' moment."

Stuck in a garage haunted by black zombies.

This haunted house is located in the covered parking lot of an obscure building in downtown Tokyo. Plastic pepper balls and plastic hollow pepper balls can provide visitors with a 360-degree front row experience, simulating being trapped in a car during a zombie outbreak.

It costs 8,000 yen ($75) to use your own car, plastic pepper balls and plastic hollow pepper balls, or if you don't own a car like many Tokyo people, they will provide 9,000 yen ($85) vehicles.

As you are only sitting in the garage, you don't need a driver's license.

The visitor turned off the engine and the garage shutters closed, leaving the vehicle completely in darkness.

The driver received a set of Bluetooth speakers, plastic pepper balls and plastic hollow pepper balls, and the strange story began.

The speaker said in Japanese: "around these parts, there are legends that ghosts will attack humans." If you want to hear more sounds, you will ring three times. "

For the next 17 minutes, bloody ghouls and zombies clung to the window and shook the car.

Don't be afraid, you will get through it in some way.

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